Dans Verrou ouvert du 3 juin 2007, je donnais les derniers chiffres relevés sur les visiteurs et le nombre de pages vues. Ils étaient alors, respectivement de 10 396 et 13 856. A ce jour, ils sont passés à 13 453 et 17 577. La remarque que faisait alors Tizel reste d'actualité.
Ci-après, donc, la copie d'un article qui pourrait disparaitre :
Olivier Schmidt-Chevalier
Son of the mosaïcist Michel Schmidt-Chevalier who made, for André Lurçat, the tympanum of Saint Pierre Saint Paul church in Maubeuge (Nord, France), Olivier Schmidt-Chevalier learned Logo with Seymour Papert at the Centre Mondial Informatique et Ressources Humaines (Paris, France, 1982-1986) and shared this language with young people until 2005.
He's been managing two websites since 1998 : La Nébuleuses des Sites Compilés and MagiX-edu.org. In 2005, he participated in the creation of Oxymoron fractal, a blog on Blogger and created Bloguer ou ne pas bloguer ? at WordPress-LeMonde. Several months later he was invited to make Nuage de blogs on Argentine-News, a blog also under WordPress.
Bloguer ou ne pas bloguer ? is now a blog about his preferred blogs and also about current events.
On October 4, 2007, he participated in the Free Burma movement along with his friend of Zintzen.org who wrote his own Free Burma and also managed the Self-organization.
Cet article était pensé pour ne pas laisser un lien s'ouvrir sur une page vide. Mais ...
More : Zintzen (Blog 4 Burma | Call 4 Cooperation) ; Rule 30 (External links) ; Pavage mosaïque - Pavage fractal.
Et aussi, au 17.11.07, cet autre blog d'où je tire l'image ci-dessous : Birma news united. See also : b4b (Blog4Burma).
6 commentaires:
Merci Gilles ;)
On va en profiter pour "jouer à un jeu" : puisque les trackbacks inter blogs ne sont pas une technologie exacte, voici la Revue où est mentionnée ton billet :
Zoom du 12 nov 07
A + !
hi , Gilles ,
since we see ourselves as friends of OSC ( solving his RULE 30 - challenge , hélas ! ) , I would ask you if we shouldn't get together and create a Wikipedia - entry ?
I have the slight impression he was asking me to do this , but I am neither sure , if this really was his concern ( problèmes interlinguistiques ) , nor I did ANY wiki before ( sauf un petit lien qu'on a ajouté sur Wiki- RULE 30 ).
I defintively love to do him a favor but I am not very sure about OSCs intentions .
Perhps, Gilles , you may tell me more ?
amitiés , czz
The comments @ Blogger are realy a probleme. Anyway : danke, CZZ for your message ; thank you very much !
The fact is that after to contact you for his project - more to have your permission to speak about Self-organization -, Olivier did it with his Californian Sister and, then edit the text on Wikipedia at the page linked in Rule 30.
Then Wikipedia think that this page was too personal and, after a "dialogue" with Olivier erase it. Now this page is as a dead link going to an empty "thing".
But/and : Olivier think it's maybe better like that. To be in Wikipedia could be not save (if you see what I mean). So, Olivier and I decide to copy the page here.
Now we think is better like that and that it is the "end" of his Wikipedia adventure ;)
Okay, so : thank you again and I'll tell you soon by mail why my english is so bade :)
Have a great sunday !
Gilles , I cannot believe it : Wiki rejected the article beeing "too personal" . Actually , I think englsih / american Wiki is much more picky , selective and far more "severe" thant e. g. the german one .
what , if we gave it a try on German Wiki ? - Oliviers sister may translate it into decent English and you guys into French .
Sure , we would need some more precise datas concerning date / place of birth , education etc .
Mon esprit de protestation est reveillé !
Bonne soirée à tous , czz
Salut Gilles,
juste pour te faire un petit coucou et pour te tenir informer que j'ai à nouveau des billets sur mon blog, en espérant que cette fois ci l'inspiration ne me lache pas aussi vite que la dernière fois.
bonne soirée
Gaelle (alias Jeanne Dominique)
Merci, Gaelle, je suis aussi ton blog par la Revue que tu connais. Juste un mot : ne mets pas que des poèmes ou billets trop personnels ...
CZZ : well, after all, this fact that Wikipedia refuse the article is maybe good. Why ? It is a wiki where anyone can write something and I know that somme article became bad because somme people add some rong (and more) information. Delation and so.
So we'll late my about Olivier as it is here and that okay ... Olivier, as his father, is an unknow making things for his friends as you ; I mean : friends he find by his blog and so.
Hey : the part I copy/past is in decent english made by Olivier's Sister ;) ... And, for more information : almost anything is on his Nébuleuse des Sites Compilés : CV, works, his father and so and so ...
Avec toute mon amitié !
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